Creating new color values

Skybrud.Colors supports a number of color models. You can see the support color models below:


CMY consists of cyan, magenta, and yellow, and it's represented by the CmyColor class:

@using Skybrud.Colors


    // Initialize the color
    CmyColor cmy = new CmyColor(100, 100, 50);

    // Outputs "CMY: 100, 100, 50"



CMYK consists of cyan, magenta, yellow and key, and it's represented by the CmykColor class:

@using Skybrud.Colors


    // Initialize the color
    CmykColor cmyk = new CmykColor(100, 100, 0, 50);

    // Outputs "CMYK: 100, 100, 0, 50"



HSL consists of hue, saturation and lightness, and it's represented by the HslColor class:

@using Skybrud.Colors


    // Initialize the color
    HslColor hsl = new HslColor(240, 100, 25);

    // Outputs "HSL: 240, 100, 25"



RGB consists of for red, green and blue, and it's represented by the RgbColor class:

@using Skybrud.Colors
@using Skybrud.Colors.Html


    // Get a reference to a blue color
    RgbColor blue = HtmlColors.Blue;

    // Outputs "RGB: 0, 0, 255"

    // Get a reference to a blue color
    RgbColor red = HtmlColors.Red;

    // Outputs "RGB: 255, 0, 0"
