Skybrud.Colors is a small library for working with various color models, currently supporting RGB, CMY, CMYK and HSL. The library features converters for converting back and forth between the supported color models.
Initialize a new RgbColor
instance and convert to various string formats and other color models:
@using Skybrud.Colors
RgbColor navy = new RgbColor(0, 0, 128);
// Convert to HEX -> #000080
string hex = navy.ToHex();
// Convert to CSS -> rgb(0, 0, 128)
string css = navy.ToCss();
// Convert to HSL -> HSL: 240, 100, 25
HslColor hsl = navy.ToHsl();
// Convert to CMY -> CMY: 100, 100, 50
CmyColor cmy = navy.ToCmy();
// Convert to CMYK -> CMYK: 100, 100, 0, 50
CmykColor cmyk = navy.ToCmyk();
Get the WCAG contrast ratio between two instances of RgbColor
@using Skybrud.Colors
@using Skybrud.Colors.Html
@using Skybrud.Colors.Wcag
// Get colors from the constants in the "HtmlColors" class
RgbColor red = HtmlColors.Red;
RgbColor blue = HtmlColors.Blue;
// Calculate the WCAG contrast ratio
double ratio = WcagHelpers.GetContrastRatio(red, blue);
<pre>WCAG ratio: @ratio</pre>