Indexing with Examine

As of v2.0, the GridDataModel contains a GetSearchableText method that will return a textual representation of the entire grid model - see the example below:

@using Skybrud.Umbraco.GridData
@using Skybrud.Umbraco.GridData.Extensions
@inherits UmbracoTemplatePage

    GridDataModel grid = Model.Content.GetGridModel("content");



The GetSearchableText method works by traversing all the controls of the grid, and calling a similar GetSearchableText method on each control. The end result will then be a string combined of the returned values from all the controls.

This of course requires that each control (or the model of it's value, really) can provide a textual representation of it's value.

If you need further control of the indexing, you can have a look at this example Gist: