
The EnumStringConverter JSON converter will take an enum value and serialize it to it's string equivalent.

By default, the string value will be based on the Pascal cased version of the enum name, but other text casings are supported as well. Using Pascal casing as default follows the conventions in .NET, and also matches calling the ToString method on the enum value.

When creating your enum class, you can decorate the type with the JsonConverterAttribute class as following:

public enum Test {

As mentioned, this will make sure that a value of this type is serialized to a Pascal cased string - eg. HelloWorld or HiWorld.

The EnumStringConverter class does however also support specifying another text casing to be used instead. This could be camel case:

[JsonConverter(typeof(StringEnumConverter), TextCasing.CamelCase)]
public enum Test {

While Pascal case starts with an uppercase letter, camel case will start with a lowercase letter instead, but otherwise they're the same. So HelloWorld and HiWorld would instead be helloWorld and hiWorld respectively. Another example could be kebab case:

[JsonConverter(typeof(StringEnumConverter), TextCasing.KebabCase)]
public enum Test {

Following this casing, the result will be a lowercase string with words separated by commas - eg. hello-world or hi-world. You can see the TextCasing enum class for a list of supported casings.


For each enum value, we have a single value in C# that can be serialized to a number of different values depending on the format of the JSON converter. When deserializing back to an enum value in C#, it's the other way around. This means that we have a number of possible string values can be parsed back to a single enum value in C#.

This means that the deserializing logic supports other casings than the one specified for the current EnumStringConverter.