
The RequestExtensions class contains a number of extension methods for ASP.NET Core's HttpRequest class:


In ASP.NET Core, there isn't a direct way for getting the Uri of a request, but the different parts of information is still available through other properties on the HttpRequest instance. The .GetUri() extension method uses this information for returning a new Uri instance with this information.

@using Skybrud.Essentials.AspNetCore


    // Get the URI of the current request
    Uri uri = Context.Request.GetUri();

    <pre>Scheme: @uri.Scheme</pre>
    <pre>Host: @uri.Host</pre>
    <pre>Port: @uri.Port</pre>
    <pre>PathAndQuery: @uri.PathAndQuery</pre>
    <pre>ToString: @uri.ToString()</pre>
    <pre>Authority: @uri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority)</pre>



Returns the value of the Accept-Encoding header, or null if the header wasn't found.

@using Skybrud.Essentials.AspNetCore
<pre>Accept Encoding: @Context.Request.GetAcceptEncoding()</pre>


Returns the value of the Accept-Encoding header, or null if the header wasn't found.

@using Skybrud.Essentials.AspNetCore
<pre>Accept Languages: @Context.Request.GetAcceptLanguage()</pre>


Returns the value of the Accept header, or null if the header wasn't found.

@using Skybrud.Essentials.AspNetCore
<pre>Accept Types: @Context.Request.GetAcceptTypes()</pre>


Returns the value of the Referer header, or null if the header wasn't found. (yes, it's spelled incorrectly in the HTTP specification)

@using Skybrud.Essentials.AspNetCore
<pre>Referrer: @Context.Request.GetReferrer()</pre>


Returns the remote address of the request.

@using Skybrud.Essentials.AspNetCore
<pre>Remote Address: @Context.Request.GetRemoteAddress()</pre>


Returns the value of the Referer header, or null if the header wasn't found.

@using Skybrud.Essentials.AspNetCore
<pre>User Agent: @Context.Request.GetUserAgent()</pre>