
Get media at root

Returns a list of media items at the root level.

GET /umbraco/Limbo/Migrations/GetMediaAtRoot?maxLevel={maxLevel}


  • maxLevel (optional)
    The maximal level of children/descendants to return.

Get media by ID

Returns the media item with the specified id.

GET /umbraco/Limbo/Migrations/GetMediaById?id={id}&maxLevel={maxLevel}


  • id (required)
    The ID of the media node.

  • maxLevel (optional)
    The maximal level of children/descendants to return.

Get media by key

Returns the media item with the specified GUID key.

GET /umbraco/Limbo/Migrations/GetMediaByKey?key={key}&maxLevel={maxLevel}


  • key (required)
    The GUID key of the media node.

  • maxLevel (optional)
    The maximal level of children/descendants to return.